Saturday, November 8, 2008

Number 4 is for Sales and Marketing

Well, Well. This may be the toughest one. Your heir apparent must "carry the bag' or, in other words, must be in or have experience selling. Not Marketing, selling. What is the difference. Selling is going out and talking to customers face to face or on the telephone with the objective of building a relationship and SELLING them your product or service. Marketing is the effort to inform the world of who you are and what your products are via brochures, ads, training/education and most significantly, is planned. How are you going to get to the market you are after. I have asked this question of all the companies that I have consulted with. Most had not idea except the same ol', same ol'.

If possible, I would suggest that the Strategic Planning effort include the basics for the Marketing Plan. Having your heir involved with Strategic Planning and Marketing and then, actually, selling is the best possible experience and will provide them with the "global" view of your buisness that you have, probably, always had. They may not want to do it, but make them. NO matter what! I promise that it will be the single best thing you do for them in their training.

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