Monday, May 4, 2009

Interesting! First 100 days.

Is it too soon for you to evaluate, as a small or family owned business, President Obama on his job as President based on the first 100 days in office. No it is not. President's have been evaluated on their first 100 days every time and new President comes to office. As a business person, it is important to see "where he stands". In my humble opinion, he stands for everything that sound business does not stand for and, as a person, he stands for a weak America, tax the daylights out of the people who make this country run (small business) and give in to those who really do not want to work and have an entitlement mentality. Sure, there are those who CANNOT work and they need to be taken care of, but our President wants to be King and, therefore, a Socialist. "I am the government and I am here to help". Hogwash, Balderdash, Nonsense and other words too strong to interject here.

So far he has shown a lot of motion and little substance. The liberal media is touting all the things he has a "tackled" in his first 100 days. He has "tackled" nothing but has spoken (even eloquently) about a lot. In Scripture (Proverbs) it says "where words are many, sin is at hand" (My translation). It is os true of this guy. Do I think his stimulus will work? Possibly. If Wall Street and the banking industry are smart, they will follow Ford Motor Company's example. When Ford went to the government with hat in hand, so to speak, with the other car makers, they saw the writing on the wall. "We are the government and we are here to help" really means "we are the government and we are here to control you if you take our money and turn you into a socialist enterprise". Ford said thanks but no thanks. We do not need your money and they have made hard decisions, hard choices and are going to come out of this stronger and better without government intervention. The Ford CEO took a voluntary 30% pay cut, they are leaner and ready to proceed. Look at Ford stock as opposed to GM. Wall Street, Bankers, pay attention!

By the way, more oversight might be needed for Wall Street unfortunately. You know why? Greed! Greed! Greed! Unfortunately President Obama is right in that they cannot regulate themselves as President Bush had hoped for. Remember Wall Street, you brought this on yourself!

What do you think?

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