Monday, October 13, 2008

I was asked, so here is my answer on election and economy

My nephew sent me an e-mail that said "I have a friend is is unsure who to vote for and she is very concerned about how they might handle the economy in the next 4 years.". I wrote the following answer:

Well, I would tell her not to panic, first of all. The market will survive and so will the economy. Neither candidate for President can do ANYTHING on their own. Whoever is elected must work with Congress to make things happen. So be very careful who you vote for for the House of Representatives and Senate. The President, by himself, can do nothing!!!

Secondly I would tell her to vote for the person who is telling the truth as best we can determine it. Thirdly, vote for the person who is a proven leader who will keep us safe and will surround themselves with the most experienced people who are not yes men. Lastly, I would vote for someone who has a proven record of working with both parties in the country's best interest. (By the way, Sarah Palin might be the best leader of the bunch!) Someone who is not afraid to pray and allow God to be part of the process.

We should pray for the country right now and for this election. Remember the Bible says that the effective, fervent pray of His people avails much!

I do not have any problem not voting for Obama but I did have a problem voting for McCain! Then I heard his interview with Rick Warren at Saddleback Church early in this campaign. Obama talked from the theoretical, McCain talked from the experiential. Once I got past the rhetoric of Obama (I still think he is a closet Muslim and aspires to Rev. Wrightesq view of America and only talks patriotically when is to his advantage) and became very satisfied with the decisiveness and relative candor of McCain.

Sorry for the long answer. You are probably sorry you asked, huh?

Thanks for asking! In the next couple of days I am going to deal with this from the small business perspective in my blog.

From a small businessman's point of view and also that of a "normal" citizen, I blows me away to hear the candidates telling us what they are going to do for the economy. As President, by themselves, what can they do?!? NOTHING. They cannot change laws, pass legislation, interpret the Constitution, set up new methods, add or delete departments or determine what government intervention is going to occur tax-wise or economy related. In order to do these things they must cajole, collaborate and work with Congress. IT TAKES LEADERSHIP NOT RHETORIC! Can he add staff, move staff, eliminate staff, sure---below a certain level. Above a certain level that also requires Congressional approval. I mean no disrespect to the President at all. As a matter of fact, I have incredible admiration and respect for the position of President of the United States. Bill Clinton was a terrible person with little or no morals and he was a scheming, conniving and impeached person, but I still respected him in the position of POTUS (President of the United States).

See, all the promises they are making and all the speeches they are giving and all the things they say they are going to do are not worth the air they take up if the person is not honest, of great character and has integrity. Incidental, honesty and integrity are not relative terms. You either are are you are not. Someone told me once that they were "basically honest". That means they were dishonest. You either are or you are not. So, instead of listening to what they say they are going to do. try to determine who is being honest and who has integrity. Who would lay their life down for the country, who would put country first no matter what, who has experience (not experience being President, nobody has that until they get in the office unless they have been President before) in life and who will stand up for "what" is right, not "who" is right when it comes to our national security and our electorates best interests.

Next, basically leave the economy alone. The panic we are seeing in the minds of the Congress is conjured up in order to cast blame on party lines. Are there problems? Absolutely. Does it require government intervention? Possibly but not permanently. Do we need some more regulation on Wall Street? Unfortunately, yes. Without some restraint, GREED takes over. The entire Wall Street debacle that is really hurting Main Street, is as a result of GREED. GREED! Not George Bush or the last 8 years (2 of which had a Democratically controlled Congress remember). What can a guy do who makes $130,000,000 per year that he could not do at $3,000,000. I could easily live on either couldn't you? I am a Free Enterprise person, but the people we trusted in business got GREEDY and it affected us all. That is exactly what is happening to the automotive industry now. GREED but this time not only by the CEO's but by the unions as well. Sure they should want the best for the people they represent, but not a the expense of everyone else in the country and maybe the world.

As Kelly Ogle (Oklahoma City news anchor)would say, "That's my 2 cents"! What do you think?

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