Monday, March 16, 2009

In this economy have you........

Although I think that all the "crisis" and "fear" is overrated and blown out of proportion by the media and the politicians, these times still call for being prepared. So, I ask:
1. Have you written a Strategic Plan or reasonable facsimile thereof?
2. Have you saved money for a rainy day like our state's Rainy Day Fund?
3. Have you evaluated your margins? Pricing?
4. Are you overstaffed?
5. How are your customers? Are they in trouble too? If so, should they pay up front? Or, if you only have a few customers, can you work with them on such things as payment terms and buying cycles?
6. What would you do if you lost your major customer/client?
7. What employees are expendable/absolutely necessary? Can you keep them all employed by reducing hours/pay? Most employees would rather keep their jobs/benefits than be unemployed and without anything.
8. Do you want to sell out? Probably not a good time to do so unless your business is booming.
9. How are your facilities. Time to shrink? Time to enlarge? Stay where you are?
10. How many relatives are dependant upon you for their livelihood? Can you run your business with just relatives if you had to?

Now, absolutely do the following:
1. Aggressively sell.
2. Be positive and upbeat.
3. Be practical and pragmatic.
4. Don't quit until the fat lady sings.
5. Quit while you are ahead.
6. Pick either number 4 or 5 and plan accordingly.
7. Remember what got you into this business. Is it still a worthy effort?
8. Be frugal where and when you need to be. Possibly in all aspects of the business.
9. Pray for wisdon.
10. Tell your wife/husband and kids that you love them no matter what!

What do you think?

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