Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Here we go.

Well I have wanted to do this for some time. After having been a consultant, business owner and top management employee for over 40 years, I decided that the world needed to hear what I have to say. That is not to say that I am always right, but I almost always have an opinion that is either right or very close to right.

So who am I. What follows is my brief Functional Resume. This will give you some idea of the scope of my experience and the industries I have worked. What is does not show is all my consulting assignments. Some of those companies are confidentials but the situations/problems handled have provided (along with the experience) an extremely wide variety of solutions, answers, knowledge and practical ways of managing.

I am going to tackle various business situations and areas of ongoing concern for small (under $50 million in annual sales usually) and family owned (includines spouse, children, inlaw and outlaw participants) businesses. So, please ask me anything. Really, anything about problems, planning, accounting, finance, HR, sales, marketing, supply chain, infighting, poor performance, hiring, firing, anything. If I do not know the answer (highly unlikely), I will find out or direct you to the right place.

1 comment:

  1. I referenced you today in my blog, as to why I started writing a blog myself!

